Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Read Aloud Books for April 15

Skip Through The Seasons is a good book to review the seasons, the months of the year and the changes that happen in each. The story is written in rhyme and the illustrations are very detailed so that when a child reads this book in the reading corner it is easy for them to pick out the different activities for each month.

Lego House is an adult book that I chose to show to the class because we were talking a lot about lego this week. The photographs document the life-size house made out of lego that includes everything in the house made out of lego (chairs, tables, sinks). I used this to show the children two things. First, never give up on your dreams (James May faced many obstacles in getting this project finished) and second, how many people worked together to get the house finished. (If you are interested, youtube has many short films on this project. Just search "James May Lego House")

Chicken Soup With Rice (A Book of Months) is a Maurice Sendak classic from 1962. I remember reading this book as a child. It is a great read aloud because of the engaging cadence of the rhyming text and the repeated words encourage the children to read aloud with me. Ask your child to finish the following : Sipping once, sipping twice, sipping chicken soup with rice!

The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree was another of my sons' favourite read aloud books when they were little. It follows the adventures of Arnold, a little boy who loves an apple tree in his backyard. The text details the different things he does through the seasons (for example, he gathers apples to make apple pie and apple cider). I really like how the text is written to clearly demonstrate the cyclical nature of the seasons, as this is a concept that is difficult for small children to understand.

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